September 20 Wednesday
WEEK 1 :WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY: 20/09/2023 TO 23/09/2023
Our first phase of teaching practice is at
AMMHS karavaloor The Principal of Sabarigiri College of Education, Dr. Meera Raj ma'am alloted six students to AMMHS karavaloor.All of our teachers in charges, especially Sreedevi teacher provided us with all necessary instructions, guidance and support for completing our teaching manual, selecting activities for models for teaching and preparing teaching aids for teaching practice.
On 20th September 2023 We sixTeachers Trainees from Sabarigiri School of Education reached our Training School AMMHS karavalur. Me and reshma Rachel Mani from natural science department Keerthana Srilakshmi from physical science department Shruti and father Abu baby Kutty from social science department reached the school sharp at 9:00 a.m. and signed our attendance register. They welcomed us gladly. After the morning prayer the deputy principal Sheela mam provided us with the classes we have to taken and the substitution list of the classes. We had a great experience in the first day. The teachers are so friendly. There are lot of substitutions classes provided for us. We divided the substitution classes and managed it.The deputy HM Sheeja baby teacher gave standard 9B and standard 8C as my conerned class for teaching.
On the first day,First period I have free the next period I have a substitution for Standard 6. Third period also I have substitution for 7th standard. The respective and 5th period 6th have class for my concerned class 8C.Teach them the topic "pest and their natural enemies using learning aids". and the second topic "Integrated pest control"from the unit "Let's regain our fields". After a small introductory section I started my class I can able to complete my two lessons plans during this two period.
At 1 O'clock starts thelunch break we all actively participated in distributing food. After that we had our lunch. The next afternoon section I have a substitution class for 9B. School dispersed at 3:30 p.m.
On second day reached the school at 9:15 a.m. After the prayer we get the substitution list. I had a class for my concerned class 9B.I started the fourth unit of biology "Breathing for energy ". Made a question answer section with the student and tried to check the prerequisite and started the topic"Different parts and functions of respiratory system" using learning aids. The second period i have substitution on the same class. The third hour It was an free hour for me.Afterlunch break there is a meeting for sports day and its selection and coordination of programs carried out.
On third day due to public holiday there was no class. But have regular class on Saturday as per the time table of friday.
On fourth day i have class for my concerned class 9B and 8c I took the topic "Types of respiratory movements inspiration and expiration" usind learning aid and working model in standard 9 B and "Modern techniques used in pest control in standard 8 C. After lunch break there was practice for sports day.
In this week the students of 8th standard were taught using of teaching manual from their 3rd chapter let's regain our fields 8th standard students were taught.The students of 9th standard the third chapter "Breathing for energy "were taught using teaching manual of their third unit from part one of their biology text. They were taught " different parts and functions of respiratory system and the types of movements.Teaching aids such as charts, activity cards were used for both classes appropriately based on the topic taught.
The reflective journals were also done this week.
The students of 8th and 9th standard were given teaching manual oriented activity based classroom experience. Three teaching manual of 8th standard and two teaching manual of 9th standard were completed effectively. 4 charts were prepared for 8th standard and 6 charts and one working model of lungs for 9th standard. Students were given followup activities like assignment and short note in science diary.